Saturday, 16 April 2011

Experiment #6 - Yet Another Try At A Popular Post

If you've been following the earlier experiments, you know that this will be my fourth post based on a topic that is currently popular on the Web. So far these posts aren't fairing well in terms of Search Engine ranking.

Unless you include the word "mikesblogexperiment" in the search, they don't rank anywhere near the top 100. As a result, traffic to this site remains quite low.

Search Engines 'discriminate' against new Blogs and Websites. To move up in the rankings, two things are important:

1. New and Unique Content

According to many sites on this topic, "content is king". Just do a search for "blog" and "content is king" - you'll find that you get over 1.8 million results.

It is important to continuously publish, and the information that you publish should be unique.  For the duration of this blog experiment, I intend to publish at least two postings per week.

2. Linkbacks

It appears to be a well known fact that quality links to your blog are one of the most influential factors in determining search engine ranking. Having links to your site from authoritative, highly ranked pages will dramatically boost your rankings. 

Once I create my new post, I will search for other sites on this same topic that have discussion forums.  I will post to those sites and include the URL of this blog in my signature line.  This way when search engines crawl those sites, they will see the link to this blog

One of the challenges of commenting on these sites is that you often have to register before you can leave comments. This makes it a very slow and tedious process.  It also means that I have a lot of new IDs and Passwords to keep track of!

3. Patience

Unless you're Charlie Sheen, growing an audience for your new blog is something that takes time.  This is a 365 day experiment.  We're only on day 11 with 354 more days to go - I'm not ready to give up yet.  

Today's Post - Rebecca Black and her Friday music video.

In case you are one of the few people who haven't heard of the latest viral music video, it is from 13yr old Rebecca Black. The video for her song Friday, has received over 100 million hits in the past month. With all these people searching for the video and information about it, this seems like it would be a good piece of content to have on the blog.

Another relatively new blogger tells me that they are getting lots of hits coming through from Google Images and they suggested that I include more pictures.  You will notice that I have included 15 images in my Rebecca Black post which you can view here.

UPDATE:  I recently created another try for a popular post.  This one was about Lady Gaga and Weird Al Yankovic.  I will be creating additional posts and they are really part of this experiment.  I will be updating this post with links:

View my Lady Gaga/Weird Al post

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